3 Things Wetsuit Companies Don’t Want You to Know When Buying a Wetsuit

Hey girls! Here are 3 things I wish I never found out about the women's wetsuit industry:

1. One Size Fits… Almost No One

Wetsuit companies churn out standard sizes, as this is the cheapest way to make suits. But here's the secret: very few women actually fit into these "standard" sizes. Why? 

Women’s wetsuits are usually designed by simply adapting the men’s designs they already have. Women’s curves and shapes are left on the cutting room floor. 

2. Thicker Doesn’t Always Mean Warmer

Wetsuit companies will often push thicker suits for cold water, but what they won’t tell you is that fit is far more important for warmth than thickness. A poorly fitted wetsuit, even if thicker, will allow water to flush in and out, making it less effective at keeping you warm.

3. The Price Isn’t Just for Quality, It’s for Branding

Wetsuits are expensive, but not all of your money goes into making a better suit. Most wetsuits are made in one factory in Taiwan, endlessly mass manufacturing for all the big brands under one roof. These manufacturers can offer wetsuits for under $30 to their big clients. However by the time you get to trying one on, you have paid for logistics companies, brands, distributors and dive shops that all have to make a profit. Resulting in the same $30 wetsuit, now costing more than $300!


These are the secrets wetsuit companies won’t tell you, but now you’re in the know! So next time you’re shopping, don’t settle for the status quo—your wetsuit should work for you, not the other way around.

